Friday, June 11, 2010

Six and a half months old

Bria is getting so big!

She waves "good-bye" now when people leave - not something we were trying to teach her, but I suppose she sees daycare kids come and go all day, so she sees lots of "good-bye"!

Her favorite sound is bu-bu-bu and ba-ba-ba.

She isn't full-on crawling yet, but she is getting around really well. She usually does this cute move where she puts her head down and her butt up, and sort of scoots across the floor. So sweet! She also does a lot of scooting, pulling herself across the floor by her elbows to get to where she wants to go. Busy, busy!

Bria is a little bit of a mommy-and-daddy's-girl. We're finding it a bit difficult at this stage to leave her with someone else, because she fusses for them lots. We try to leave her with Gramma or a friend who babysits occasionally so she can learn that when we leave, we do come back.

She is eating baby food more and more, but isn't a huge fan just yet. She tries lots of new foods, and likes to taste what we are eating sometimes, too. She still prefers mostly to be breastfed instead, though!

Bria is a busy girl, always wanting to check everything out and get into things. There is so much to try and explore!

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