Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Bria's up to

Bria is only a few days away from being six months old, and every day is something new and interesting for her!

On solid food, she is off like a rocket, seemingly loving everything we get her. We are introducing new foods one at a time, with a four day wait period to check for any allergies or other reactions. So far, so good! She has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, and peas. Next she gets some protein!

She is so busy these days, it seems like she hardly ever sits still. If she is sitting or laying down, her legs and arms are just going and going. She loves to play with toys, and is moving around the room more and more - especially if there is something she wants to get to, like a juice cup, a kid or a toy.

Bria doesn't seem to be a fan of the heat, as we have discovered the past few days. As the temperatures have risen, she has slept less, and not been a happy girl about it. We have been doing things like putting her swing in the breeze from the open front door, putting a fan in her room, and bringing her into bed with us in the basement to try to help.

She is such a sweetheart, and just lights up everyone's life. We are all so happy - and so smitten!

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