Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My first sickies

Yesterday my left eye started getting weepy and yucky, so this morning I had to go to the doctor for the first time! I saw Dr. Small at Craven Hagan Clinic, and I have my first bug - a case of conjunctivitis. Now I have to use a prescription ointment for a week. Not a good way to celebrate my one week birthday!

I'm still in a pretty good mood, despite the bug. I had a busy day today, running errands with Mom and Dad and meeting new people. I think I got to meet just about every possible person at the Williams County Courthouse and Law Enforcement Center (where Dad works), and got to go shopping, too. It's amazing how many people I don't know felt the need to touch me - and in the middle of a flu season! Ick!

I finished my day with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house, but I spent most of it sleeping, despite Grandma's best efforts to wake me up so I would play.

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